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Your Gift is 3X Matched

Last call! Donate by midnight tonight to make your donation go THREE times as far! Until midnight on December 31st, your support for immediate, lifesaving healthcare will be tripled up to $800,000.

Give the Gift of Health care

For decades, Partners In Health has been saving lives and strengthening health systems in impoverished places. Now, we're asking for your help to ensure we can continue making health care accessible for all.

There is power in partnership. From now until midnight on December 31st, all donations will be TRIPLED up to $800,000 to have 3X the impact. 

Everyone should have access to quality health care. But for millions around the world, that’s not the reality.

50% of people across the globe lack access to essential health care.
15,000 children die before reaching the age of 5 — every day.
94% of maternal deaths occur in low and lower middle-income countries.

Make 3X the Impact

With your support, Partners In Health delivers health care to the world's poorest places, partnering with local governments to bring about global change. Last year we provided:

[1] Facilities-Health-Clinic-RGB-color
3 million outpatient visits in supported clinics.
[2] maternal-child-health-color
2.1 million women's health checkups around the world.
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2.2 million+ home visits by community health workers.

You can make a difference.

Join the movement to make health care accessible for everyone. Your gift will have 3X the impact. Take the first step today.

Meet Our Patients


Meet Fanta

When Fanta found out she was pregnant, she feared the worst. PIH helped her deliver safely.

Fanta's Story 

Meet Lovenyou

1 in 5 children in Haiti is starving. Lovenyou used to be among them, until PIH stepped in to help.

Lovenyou's Story 

Meet Agnes

Roughly 10% of adults in Malawi live with HIV, including Agnes. PIH connected her with lifesaving treatment.

Agnes's Story 

Meet Melquiades

When we met Melquaides, he was on the verge of death. Now he's a global advocate for tuberculosis patients.

Melquiades's Story